Fashion Fund 2018 - The Interview Rounds

The Pre-Selection


By September 30, the Fashion Fund Team had received over 600 portfolios from fashion creatives based in Africa and many other places around the world. It was an enormous challenge to choose from so many great designers, with so many great stories and so much ambition. The candidates who presented the most remarkable designs in the most interesting ways and who showed the most potential were invited for interview.

Fashion fund interview Jury2

The Interviews


The interviews took place in six different countries during the same week. In each country – Togo, Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, Congo and RCI – 10 to 15 candidates were interviewed by a jury. The members of the jury were all professionals from the fashion industry, ranging from fashion designers to stylists and entrepreneurs. After meeting several excited and somewhat nervous candidates, each of the juries carefully deliberated on which three candidates would go through to the final in their country. Find out who the finalists are and why they were selected, here!

Fashion fund interview Jury

The Jury Members


A special thanks to our local jury members for sharing their vision and expertise during the selection process for the finals of this year’s fashion fund contest!


Special thanks go to:


In Benin: Our trusted fashion designer Pepita and Alexandra from the successful hair extension brand True As Nature.


In Togo: Entrepreneur Candide Leguede, Stylist Mimi Lawson and designer and stylist Nakida.


In Nigeria : Talented designers Mai Atafo and Amos Tafiri. and award-winning fashion stylist Styleinfidel.


In Congo: PR Director Joëlle Bile and tailoring professional Lydie Okaso.


In Ghana: Joyce Ababio, Founder and CEO of Joyce Ababio College of designs and Technology, analyst, author and speaker, Abena Brigidi and Sacha Oko, the founder of Viva Boutique.




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Meet the Global Jury of the Vlisco Fashion Fund 2018

This week the Global Jury visits The Netherlands to review the results of the 21 finalists of this year’s Fashion Fund contest. We are delighted to have Bubu, Oliver and Velma involved in the very important process of selecting the 7 winners of this year’s Fashion Fund.

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Vlisco very proudly announces the winners of the Vlisco Fashion Fund 2018

During the last week in November, the Global Jury reviewed the creations of the 21 finalists and reached its decision on which seven contestants would be crowned winners of the Vlisco Fashion Fund 2018.

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