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  1. cotton satin
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    Grand Super-Wax Blue-Copper Shine Embellished
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  2. cotton stretch
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    Wax Hollandais Cotton Comfort Stretch
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Coral fabrics, a glimpse into another world

As the name suggest, the colour coral is associated with a world we know and love, but is still mysterious to us. The deep blue waters of ancient seas, the coral cliffs housing thousands of colourful fish and other creatures from the sea - some we know, but so many we don’t. Likewise, the colour coral holds a promise... Combining the feminine qualities reflected in pink with the spiritual, royal powers of orange, coral fabrics suggest a deep inner vitality. To know what wearers of such colours are up to, you will need to get to know them.

Coral fabrics, since 1846

Inspired by Javanese Batik fabrics, Vlisco has been producing coral Super Waxes since 1846. We have a wide variety of coral designs, varying from silver embellished lush coral floral motifs to block prints that combine a range of motives. Being named and popularized by West African market women, many of these coral fabrics have earned a reputation as ‘African wax’ or ‘African prints’.

Many meanings

The designs, colours and interpretations generated in that process, have given many of our fabrics a wide range of meanings. If you look at our coral fabric ‘Brou Felix’ (a.k.a. Gilette petit) from a distance, you will see a delicate, stylish wax fabric with a small prints that you can use for a wide range of designs. However, if you look up close, you will find a Judas ester with a tiny curl it it - is it a letter, is it a sign? And what about the name, the ’Brou Felix’? This is how a single fabric can take you into an entirely different world.

So, are you ready for the deep, vital bewonderment that tends to come with our coral fabrics? Come check our collection at the shop, or take a look at our inspirational lookbook. Ready with your fashion project? Please show us what you made, and use your creation to inspire others.