City of Joy

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City of Joy

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World's strongest women

Vlisco has designed 5 fabrics together with the women of City of Joy and donated the profit from the sale of the fabrics to the City of Joy where the women want to build a textile and fashion school. The school will teach the craft of African textiles with a creative, forward-looking perspective.

512,000 US dollars have been donated by Vlisco to start the school. Vlisco would like to encourage other donors and partners to join them in doubling this amount.

As a next step, the designs have now been reprinted in different colours and with a completely diffenrent look. If the original design is still the same, the creative direction is more modern - just as the school is intented to be.

Please contact us at [email protected] with your ideas and for details where to make donations. The profit from the sale of this collection will, of course, also be donated. Thank you.

The World's strongest women will become stronger still with your help.